Gina & Matt for Macy's Flower Show

Jessica Hische is "Fresh"

Jessica's profile in Communication Arts

Society of Illustrators 50 Exibition

14 winning entries in Society of Illustrators 2008

The Heads of State - Dusty Summers & Jason Kernevich- on hand to accept their
Silver Medal for their piece forMckinesy Quarterly on abuse in the workplace.

The Heads of State (L) Roman Klonek (R)

Gina & Matt (L)

Jessica Hiche had four single entries and one series.

Jessica Hische Penguin Publishing

Jessica's cover of Church of the Dog By Kaya McLaren

Roman Klonek in San Francisco Chronicle

Roman's ongoing series for the Chronicle's travel column

Gina & Matt in New Scientist -UK

Gina Triplett & Matt Curtius illutration for a story on four of the five major prehistoric
extinctions, and how they were times when single celled organisms thrived at the
expense of multi-celled organisms.

The Heads of State New Republic

Cover illustration of Barak Obama

David Hollenbach in Fortune Magazine

David's portrayal of Harry Macklowe

Walter Vasconcelos in UK's Psychologies Magazine

Walter's illustration for a story titled "What Will Make You Happy in 2008"

Gina Triplett Apple Poster

Seen on college campuses thought North American Gina recently completed
this poster for Apple Computer

The Heads of State for The New Yorker

The American Symphony Orchestra performs
Soviet music from the nineteen-twenties.

Roman Klonek in Canada's Cottage Life

Roman's feature illustrations for "Who do you call"
A story on who to hire for your cottage construction project.

Jessica Hische in Wired Magazine

Jessica illustrated the story on high end pet hotels.

David Hollenbach in GQ -UK Edition

Two recent images from David's ongoing assignment of illustrating
the monthly Rod Little column.